*Act responsibly — take a Rapid Test before you travel and ensure you test negative for COVID.
*Check in at the Main House upon your arrival.
*Let us know if you require a special accommodation of any kind.
*We love your pets, too, but please leave them home this trip.
*Stay on mowed paths and wear hiking shoes. Be aware of wildlife. Use the “buddy system.”
*Park in designated areas only. No vehicles are allowed in the camping or ceremony areas. Everything you need is within walking distance.
*Keep your campground area clean and free of food and trash. Use only existing campfire pits.
*Be respectful of other campers at night. When the ceremonies conclude for the day, please keep a low tone.
*Follow the protocols of the ceremonies and the instructions of the facilitators. The facilitators and protocols are designed to provide a deep, meaningful experience.
*Be mindful of your thoughts, words and actions.
*Be present — make it beautiful.
*Don’t risk the health of those that are coming to pray. If you are feeling ill, or have been around someone who is ill, or test positive after September 7, please do not come out. If you are already here and you start feeling ill, tell us immediately.
*Don’t feed or approach any animals.
*Don’t eat any wild fruits—they’re okay for birds, not humans.
*This is a working farm—don’t go in, on, or around any barns or outbuildings, and don’t go on or around any tractors or other farm machinery or equipment.
*No alcohol, illegal drugs, or firearms are allowed on the property at any time.
*Please, refrain from taking photographs of the ceremony or practice areas during a ceremony or practice. These are prayerful, healing areas, where people are often vulnerable.